Chris McCain, (775) 225-1144

Real Estate license #0183923

David Larson, (775) 762-5418

​Broker #B28954

Apartment Surveys by Johnson Perkins Griffin
Real Estate Appraisers& Consultants

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EDAWN EPIC Economic Report

Click the button on the left to link to EDAWN's (Economic Development Authority of Western Nevada) EPIC Report/Study of Norther Nevada's Regional Growth for 2015 - 2019.  

Multi-Family Review Newsletter

​Published Quarterly

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Apartment Analysis Form Download

Click the button on the left to download a great form to plug in values such as a higher rent rate or a lowered expense ratio to evaluate what it would do to your bottom line and value of your property.  Must be able to use Excel spreadsheets on your computer/device.

Downloads & Links Available For You